2014年1月31日 星期五

【閱讀 Read】52 Books in 52 Weeks

52 Books in 52 Weeks
52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge hosted by Robin of my two blessings

I love to read but one of my big problems is concentration, sometimes I read 3-4 book at once, then it ends up not finishing one of them and of course don't remember the content at all.

So I would like to take this " 52 Books in 52 weeks" challenge to motivate and remind myself be concentrate on what I am reading and through this I could have more topics to talk with friends and the people I just meet.
you can click the link below the pic if you are also interested in it.

I don't know yet my complete read list

but following are the books I defenitely want (or need ) to read this year:

1. Yoga Sequencing

2. Italaian literature ( for study need....)

4. The Help ( I got this book 2 years ago from a friend, need to finish it)

9. 孫子兵法

10. The Count Of Monte Cristo  (基督山恩仇記)

